My sister is DMing Dungeons & Dragons module X1 – Isle of Dread. I haven’t read it or DMed it since we were teenagers, and so remembered little about it.

This evening, we encountered a huge room with the deep pool with 3 albino mako sharks. The mage flew around the room and spotted something of great interest in the water on a dais. Uncertain about how to fight the sharks, the party huddled.

We brought down all the corpses of the headhunter tribesmen we killed earlier in the temple level above. One-by-one we pushed the corpses out into the still water, and the hungry sharks ravenously fed on them.

After a while the sharks were satiated and lazy, and we were able to go after the treasure unmolested.

Encounter neutralized.


See also: Dungeons & Dragons Expert Set – A shrinkwrap discussion

D&D/AD&D modules still on their hangcards

Dungeons & Dragons: The Shift in Early Box Formats

MINIATURE COLLECTOR’S BOX – Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Expert Set