Nine books later, and the copyright date is still 1983. TSR was cranking out these Endless Quest books! No matter. At least in the art department, they weren’t skimping.

I earlier posted the wonderful Jim Holloway interior art in Endless Quest #5: Revolt of the Dwarves. The art in EQ14 – Raid on Nightmare Castle is even better, in my opinion. By my count, there are 23 unique pieces by Holloway in EQ14. Remember, this isn’t generic art: Each ties directly into the story. That had to be a bit of work.

I’ll post a few, and you can judge for yourself.

Cover by Jeff Easley
Raid on Nightmare Castle (Endless Quest Book 14: Dungeons & Dragons)
1983 … Catherine McGuire … TSR 8514 … ISBN 0880381019

Endless Quest books in the shop

Raid on Nightmare Castle at Amazon



Holloway’s Orcs


A spider preps the human orphan Kyol into a webbed snack
A beautiful maiden approaches, riding a unicorn (with a mane?!)
Center two-page piece: An uncomfortable encounter with a Red Dragon!




Skeletons animate!
We’ll finish off with a Djinn

Endless Quest - listing 2020-4
Endless Quest books listed today. Mountain of Mirrors (D&D), Robbers and Robots (Top Secret), Light on Quests Mountain (Gamma World), Captive Planet (Star Frontiers), Raid on Nightmare Castle (D&D), Talisman of Valdegard (Heart Quest).

Edit 4/20/2020

Endless Quest - listing 2020-4-20
Today’s listings: Dungeon of Dread, Mountain of Mirrors, Pillars of Pentegarn, Return to Brookmere, Dragon of Doom, Dragon’s Ransom, and Sorcerer’s Crown.

Endless Quest books in the shop

Raid on Nightmare Castle at Amazon

See Also:

Revolt of the Dwarves: The Jim Holloway interior art in the 5th Endless Quest book (1983)

Days of the Dragon: 1982 Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Art Calendar

Renegades of Luntar (Endless Quest Books: Crimson Crystal Adventure 3)

D&D: David C. Sutherland’s Red Dragon